English article

English article

bianco sporco?

'Bianco sporco' literally means 'dirty white' in Italian but it is wrong. In this usage there is no negative connotation...
English article

Do you know what ‘confetti’ means?

In English, "confetti" refers to small pieces of colored paper that are often thrown during festivals or weddings. Howev...
English article

‘Acqua dolce’ does not taste sweet

This is the English version of the article ' acqua dolceは甘い水ではない’ In Italian there is a word 'acqua dolce' but this does...
English article

‘tachimetro’ is not tachometer!

Attention! 'Tachimetro' is not the tachometer but the speedometer in Italian.The tachometer is 'contagiri' in Italian. I...
English article

What is ‘ orecchino al naso’ ?

'Orecchino al naso' is literally 'the little ear at the nose'. It may be very confusing also for otorhinolaryngologist. ...
English article

The noun ‘feminile’ is masculine😱

This is the English version of 'femminileが男性なんだけど'. The question began when I searched the difference between 'il mattin...
English article

There are no words for ‘ warm’ in Italian

This article is English version of '「あたたかい」がイタリア語にはない' There are four words which express the condition of the climate i...