There are no words for ‘ warm’ in Italian

English article

This article is English version of ‘「あたたかい」がイタリア語にはない

There are four words which express the condition of the climate in English: hot, warm, cool,cold. But there are only three words in Italian: caldo, fresco, freddo.

So how can we translate the sentence ‘It’s warm in Genova in winter ‘ into Italian.

It seems to be somehow difficult.
There is a word ‘tiepido’ but the word ‘tiepido’ seem to be a little bit different and sometimes has negative connotation. Especially when it is used for express the condition of food or drink, this inclination becomes more. In Italian ‘caffè tiepido’ is not preferable and means ‘lukewarm coffee’.

There is another word ‘calduccio’ but it is not used for the expression of the climate.
It is used to illustrate the situation where we are in front of the fireplace in winter.

The answer of
‘It’s warm in Genova in winter ‘
is not simple
and probably
‘Non fa freddo a Genova in inverno.’

On top of this there is another example. there are non words for ‘ shallow’ in Italian!

PHOTO. tramonto Venezia
